1. Saulus terus menyerang orang-orang Kristen dari rumah ke rumah, menangkap pria dan wanita, dan menempatkan mereka di penjara. Saulus menerima izin dari imam besar untuk pergi ke kota Damaskus untuk menangkap orang-orang Kristen di sana dan membawa mereka kembali ke Yerusalem.
1. Saul was the young man who guarded the robes of the men who killed Stephen. He did not believe in Jesus, and so he persecuted the believers. He went from house to house in Jerusalem to arrest both men and women and to put them in prison. The high priest gave Saul permission to go to the city of Damascus to arrest Christians there and to bring them back to Jerusalem.
Pertanyaan 1: Mengapa Saulus pergi ke Damsyik?
Jawaban 1: Untuk menangkap orang-orang Kristen dan membawa mereka kembali ke Yerusalem. [46-01]
Question 1: Why was Saul going to Damascus?
Answer 1: To arrest Christians and to bring them back to Jerusalem. [46-01]
2. Saat Saulus sedang dalam perjalanan ke Damaskus, Yesus menampakkan diri kepadanya dalam cahaya terang dan berkata, "Saulus! Mengapa engkau menganiaya Aku? "Dia berkata," Siapakah Engkau, Guru?" Yesus menjawab," Akulah Yesus yang kauaniaya itu. "
2. While Saul was on his way to Damascus, a bright light from heaven shone all around him, and he fell to the ground. Saul heard someone say, “Saul! Saul! Why do you persecute me?” Saul asked, “Who are you, Master?” Jesus replied to him, “I am Jesus. You are persecuting me!”
Pertanyaan 2: Pertanyaan apa yang diajukan Yesus kepada Saulus di jalan menuju Damsyik?
Jawaban 2: “Mengapa engkau menganiaya aku?” [46-02]
Question 2: What question did Jesus ask Saul on the road to Damascus?
Answer 2: “Why do you persecute me?” [46-02]
3. Ketika Saulus bangun, dia tidak bisa melihat dan harus dituntun masuk ke Damaskus. Saulus tidak makan dan minum selama tiga hari.
3. When Saul got up, he could not see. His friends had to lead him into Damascus. Saul did not eat or drink anything for three days.
Pertanyaan 3: Apa yang terjadi pada Saulus ketika dia bangkit setelah melihat cahaya yang terang?
Jawaban 3: Paulus tidak bisa melihat. Teman-temannya menuntun dia ke Damsyik dan dia tidak makan atau minum selama tiga hari. [46-03]
Question 3: What happened to Saul when he got up after seeing the bright light?
Answer 3: Paul could not see. His friends led him into Damascus and he did not eat or drink for three days. [46-03]
4. Kemudian Allah menampakan dirinya kepada seorang kristen bernama Ananias dan berkata, "Pergilah ke rumah tempat tinggal Saulus. Letakan tanganmu atas dia sehingga dia bisa melihat lagi. Aku telah memilih dia untuk menyatakan nama-Ku kepada orang-orang yang belum diselamatkan. Aku akan menunjukkan kepadanya, betapa banyak penderitaan yang harus dialaminya karena Aku."
4. There was a disciple in Damascus named Ananias. God said to him, “Go to the house where Saul is staying. Place your hands on him so that he can see again.” But Ananias said, “Master, I have heard how this man has persecuted the believers.” God answered him, “Go! I have chosen him to declare my name to the Jews and to people from other people groups. He will suffer many things for my name.”
Pertanyaan 4: Mengapa Ananias takut berbicara kepada Saulus?
Pertanyaan 5: Apa tujuan Allah memilih Saulus?
Jawaban 4: Dia tahu bahwa Saulus menganiaya orang-orang percaya. [46-04]
Jawaban 5: Saulus akan memberitakan nama Allah kepada orang Yahudi dan orang dari bangsa-bangsa lainnya. [46-04]
Question 4: Why was Ananias afraid to speak to Saul?
Question 5: What did God say was the purpose for which he had chosen Saul?
Answer 4: He had heard that Saul was persecuting the believers. [46-04]
Answer 5: Saul would declare God’s name to the Jews and to people from other people groups. [46-04]
5. Jadi Ananias berdoa untuk Saulus, dan Paulus dapat melihat kembali.(())
5. So Ananias went to Saul, placed his hands on him, and said, “Jesus, who appeared to you on your way here, sent me to you so that you can regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” Saul immediately was able to see again, and Ananias baptized him. Then Saul ate some food and his strength returned.
Pertanyaan 6: Bagaimana Ananias memampukan Saulus melihat kembali?
Pertanyaan 7: Apa yang dilakukan Ananias pada Saulus setelah dia bisa melihat kembali?
Jawaban 6: Dia menumpangkan tangannya padanya. [46-05]
Jawaban 7: Ananias membaptisnya. [46-05]
Question 6: How did Ananias enable Saul to see again?
Question 7: What did Ananias do to Saul after he regained his sight?
Answer 6: He placed his hands on him. [46-05]
Answer 7: Ananias baptized him. [46-05]
6. Segera, Saulus dibaptis dan mulai memberitakan Injil kepada orang-orang Yahudi, katanya, "Yesus adalah Anak Allah!" Orang-orang Yahudi takjub karena orang yang telah mencoba untuk menghancurkan orang-orang Kristen sekarang menjadi orang Kristen. Saulus berdebat dengan orang-orang Yahudi, membuktikan bahwa Yesus adalah Mesias. Saulus kemudian dikenal sebagai Paulus.
6. Right away, Saul began preaching to the Jews in Damascus, saying, “Jesus is the Son of God!” The Jews were amazed that the man who had tried to destroy the believers now also believed in Jesus! Saul reasoned with the Jews, proving that Jesus was the Messiah.
Pertanyaan 8: Pesan apa yang langsung diberitakan Saulus kepada orang-orang Yahudi?
Jawaban 8: “Yesus adalah Anak Allah!” [46-06]
Question 8: What message did Saul immediately begin preaching to the Jews?
Answer 8: “Jesus is the Son of God!” [46-06]
7. Setelah beberapa lama, orang-orang Yahudi menyusun rencana untuk membunuh Paulus. Mereka menempatkan orang-orang di gerbang kota untuk membunuh dia. Tetapi Paulus mendengar tentang rencana tersebut, dan teman-temannya membantunya melarikan diri. Suatu malam mereka menurunkan dia dari atas tembok kota dalam keranjang. Paulus lari dan terus memberitakan tentang Yesus.
7. After many days, the Jews made a plan to kill Saul. They sent people to watch for him at the city gates in order to kill him. But Saul heard about the plan, and his friends helped him escape. One night they lowered him over the city wall in a basket. After Saul escaped from Damascus, he continued to preach about Jesus.
Pertanyaan 9: Bagaimana orang Yahudi menanggapi khotbah Saulus?
Pertanyaan 10: Bagaimana Saulus melarikan diri dari Damsyik?
Jawaban 9: Mereka berencana untuk membunuh Saulus. [46-07]
Jawaban 10: Teman-temannya menurunkan dia dari atas tembok kota dalam keranjang. [46-07]
Question 9: How did the Jews respond to Saul's preaching?
Question 10: How did Saul escape from Damascus?
Answer 9: They made a plan to kill Saul. [46-07]
Answer 10: His friends lowered him over the city wall in a basket. [46-07]
8. ((Paul went to Jerusalem to meet with the disciples, but at first the Christians were afraid of Paul. Finally, a Christian named Barnabas took Paul to the disciples and told them how Paul had preached boldly in Jerusalem. Then they accepted Paul.))
8. Saul went to Jerusalem to meet with the disciples, but they were afraid of him. Then a believer named Barnabas took Saul to the apostles and told them how Saul had preached boldly in Damascus. After that, the disciples accepted Saul.
Pertanyaan 11: Siapa yang membantu Saulus agar diterima oleh murid-murid di Yerusalem?
Jawaban 11: Barnabas membawa Saulus kepada para murid dan memberitahu mereka bagaimana Saulus berkhotbah dengan berani di Damsyik. [46-08]
Question 11: Who helped Saul to be accepted by the disciples in Jerusalem?
Answer 11: Barnabas took Saul to the apostles and told them how Saul had preached boldly in Damascus. [46-08]
9. ((Later, Paul and Barnabas went to the city of Antioch where they taught many people about Jesus and strengthened the church. One day, the Christians at Antioch were fasting and praying and the Holy Spirit said, "I have chosen Paul and Barnabas to do the work I have called them to do."))
9. Some believers who fled from the persecution in Jerusalem went far away to the city of Antioch and preached about Jesus. Most of the people in Antioch were not Jews, but for the first time, very many of them also became believers. Barnabas and Saul went there to teach these new believers more about Jesus and to strengthen the church. It was at Antioch that believers in Jesus were first called “Christians.”
Pertanyaan 12: Apa yang berbeda dari orang-orang yang menjadi orang percaya di Antiokhia?
Pertanyaan 13: Apa sebutan pertama yang dikenakan pada orang-orang percaya di Antiokhia?
Jawaban 12: Mereka bukan orang Yahudi. [46-09]
Jawaban 13: Orang Kristen. [46-09]
Question 12: What was different about the people who became believers in Antioch?
Question 13: What name first began to be used for the believers in Antioch?
Answer 12: They were not Jews. [46-09]
Answer 13: Christians. [46-09]
10. ((So the church prayed for them, laid their hands on them and sent them off to preach the Good News of Jesus. They preached about Jesus in many places and many people believed in Jesus.))
10. One day, while the Christians at Antioch were fasting and praying, the Holy Spirit said to them, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul to do the work I have called them to do.” So the church in Antioch prayed for Barnabas and Saul and placed their hands on them. Then they sent them out to preach the good news about Jesus in many other places. Barnabas and Saul taught people from different people groups, and many people believed in Jesus.
Pertanyaan 14: Apa yang dilakukan jemaat Antiokhia ketika Roh Kudus menyuruh mereka untuk mengutus Barnabas dan Saulus?
Pertanyaan 15: Apa tujuan jemaat Antiokhia mengutus Paulus dan Barnabas?
Jawaban 14: Mereka berdoa dan berpuasa. [46-10]
Jawaban 15: Mereka mengutus mereka untuk menyampaikan kabar baik tentang Yesus ke banyak tempat lain. [46-10]
Question 14: What was the church in Antioch doing when the Holy Spirit told them to set apart Barnabas and Saul?
Question 15: What was the purpose for which the church in Antioch sent out Paul and Barnabas?
Answer 14: They were praying and fasting. [46-10]
Answer 15: They sent them out to preach the good news about Jesus in many other places. [46-10]