1. Ketika Yohanes tumbuh dewasa, dia menjadi seorang nabi. Dia tinggal di padang gurun, makan madu liar dan belalang, dan memakai pakaian yang terbuat dari bulu unta.
1. John, the son of Zechariah and Elizabeth, grew up and became a prophet. He lived in the wilderness, ate wild honey and locusts, and wore clothes made from camel hair.
Pertanyaan 1: Di mana Yohanes tinggal ketika dia bertumbuh dewasa?
Jawaban 1: Dia tinggal di padang gurun. [24-01]
Question 1: Where did John live when he grew up?
Answer 1: He lived in the wilderness. [24-01]
2. Banyak orang datang untuk mendengarkan Yohanes. Dia berkhotbah kepada mereka, katanya, "Bertobatlah, sebab Kerajaan Allah sudah dekat!"
2. Many people came out to the wilderness to listen to John. He preached to them, saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of God is near!”
Pertanyaan 2: Berita apa yang disampaikan Yohanes kepada orang-orang?
Jawaban 2: “Bertobatlah, karena kerajaan Allah sudah dekat!” [24-02]
Question 2: What message did John preach to the people?
Answer 2: “Repent, for the kingdom of God is near!” [24-02]
3. Beberapa orang bertobat dan dibaptis sesudah mereka mendengar pesan Yohanes, tapi banyak pemimpin agama yang datang untuk dibaptis tanpa bertobat dan mengaku dosa mereka lebih dahulu.
3. When people heard John’s message, many of them repented from their sins, and John baptized them. Many religious leaders also came to be baptized by John, but they did not repent or confess their sins.
Pertanyaan 3: Apa yang dilakukan Yohanes terhadap orang-orang yang bertobat karena khotbahnya?
Jawaban 3: Dia membaptiskan mereka. [24-03]
Question 3: What did John do to the people who repented at his preaching?
Answer 3: He baptized them. [24-03]
4. Yohanes berkata kepada para pemimpin agama itu, "Kamu sekelompok ular! Bertobatlah dan ubahlah perilakumu. Setiap pohon yang tidak menghasilkan buah yang baik, pasti ditebang dan dibuang ke dalam api." Jadi terjadilah apa yang dikatakan nabi Yesaya," Lihatlah, Aku menyuruh utusanKu mendahului Engkau, Dia akan mempersiapkan jalan Anda. "
4. John said to the religious leaders, “You poisonous snakes! Repent and change your behavior. Every tree that does not bear good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.” John fulfilled what the prophets said, “See, I send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way.”
Pertanyaan 4: Kelompok orang mana yang dibandingkan Yohanes dengan ular berbisa?
Jawaban 4: Ini menunjuk kepada banyak pemimpin agama yang tidak mau bertobat. [24-04]
Question 4: Which group of people did John compare to poisonous snakes?
Answer 4: This referred to many of the religious leaders who refused to repent. [24-04]
5. Beberapa orang Yahudi menanyakan kepada Yohanes apakah dia adalah Mesias. Yohanes menjawab, "Aku bukan Mesias, tetapi ada seseorang yang datang setelah aku yang jauh lebih penting dari aku. Aku bahkan tidak layak untuk melepaskan sandalnya. "
5. Some Jews asked John if he was the Messiah. John replied, “I am not the Messiah, but there is someone coming after me. He is so great that I am not even worthy to untie his sandals.”
Pertanyaan 5: Apa jawaban Yohanes ketika orang Yahudi bertanya apakah dirinya itu Mesias?
Jawaban 5: Dia berkata dia bukan Mesias. [24-05]
Question 5: What was John's answer when the Jews asked him if he was the Messiah?
Answer 5: He said he was not the Messiah. [24-05]
6. Keesokan harinya, Yesus datang untuk dibaptiskan oleh Yohanes. Ketika Yohanes melihat-Nya, dia berkata, "Lihat! Inilah Anak Domba Allah, yang menghapus dosa dunia. "
6. The next day, Jesus came to be baptized by John. When John saw him, he said, “Look! There is the Lamb of God who will take away the sin of the world.”
Pertanyaan 6: Apa sebutan yang digunakan Yohanes untuk Yesus ketika dia melihat-Nya datang untuk dibaptis?
Jawaban 6: Dia menyebut-Nya, “Anak Domba Allah yang akan menghapus dosa dunia.” [24-06]
Question 6: What title did John use for Jesus when he saw him coming to be baptized?
Answer 6: He called him, "the Lamb of God who will take away the sin of the world.” [24-06]
7. Yohanes berkata kepada Yesus, "Aku tidak layak untuk membaptis Engkau. Seharusnya Engkau membaptis aku." Tetapi Yesus berkata," Engkau harus membaptis Aku, karena itulah yang benar yang harus dilakukan." Jadi Yohanes membaptis Dia, tapi bukan karena Yesus telah berdosa -- Dia tidak pernah berdosa.
7. John said to Jesus, “I am not worthy to baptize you. You should baptize me instead.” But Jesus said, “You should baptize me, because it is the right thing to do.” So John baptized him, even though Jesus had never sinned.
Pertanyaan 7: Mengapa Yesus tidak perlu bertobat dari dosa-Nya sebelum Yohanes membaptis-Nya?
Pertanyaan 8: Mengapa Yesus berkata bahwa Yohanes harus membaptis Dia?
Jawaban 7: Karena Yesus tidak pernah berbuat dosa. [24-07]
Jawaban 8: Yohanes membaptis Yesus karena itu adalah hal yang benar untuk dilakukan. [24-07]
Question 7: Why did Jesus not need to repent of his sins before John baptized him?
Question 8: Why did Jesus say that John should baptize him?
Answer 7: Because Jesus had never sinned. [24-07]
Answer 8: John baptized Jesus because it was the right thing to do. [24-07]
8. Ketika Yesus keluar dari air setelah dibaptis, Roh Allah mengambil bentuk burung merpati dan hinggap pada diri-Nya. Pada saat yang sama suara dari surga berkata, "Engkau adalah AnakKu yang terkasih, dan kepadaMu Aku berkenan."
8. When Jesus came up out of the water after being baptized, the Spirit of God appeared in the form of a dove and came down and rested on him. At the same time, God’s voice spoke from heaven, saying, “You are my Son whom I love, and I am very pleased with you.”
Pertanyaan 9: Siapa yang hinggap pada Yesus setelah Dia dibaptis?
Pertanyaan 10: Apa yang dikatakan Allah kepada Yesus setelah Dia dibaptis?
Jawaban 9: Roh Allah menampakkan diri dalam wujud seekor burung merpati. [24-08]
Jawaban 10: "Engkaulah Anak-Ku yang Kukasihi, kepada-Mulah Aku berkenan." [24-08]
Question 9: Who came to rest on Jesus after he was baptized?
Question 10: What did God say to Jesus after he was baptized?
Answer 9: The Spirit of God appeared in the form of a dove. [24-08]
Answer 10: “You are my Son whom I love, and I am very pleased with you.” [24-08]
9. Allah telah mengatakan kepadaYohanes, "Roh Kudus akan mendarat pada Seseorang yang engkau baptis. Dia adalah Anak Allah." Hanya ada satu Allah. Tapi Allah adalah tiga pribadi, Bapa, Yesus Sang Anak, dan Roh Kudus.
9. God had told John, “The Holy Spirit will come down and rest on someone you baptize. That person is the Son of God.” There is only one God. But when John baptized Jesus, he heard God the Father speak, saw God the Son, who is Jesus, and he saw the Holy Spirit.
Pertanyaan 11: Allah berkata Roh Kudus akan turun dan tinggal atas siapa?
Jawaban 11: Dia akan tinggal atas Anak Allah. [24-09]
Question 11: Whom did God say the Holy Spirit would come down and rest upon?
Answer 11: He would rest on the Son of God. [24-09]