Tanah yang Dijanjikan
Joshua 1-24
The Promised Land
Joshua 1-24
1. Akhirnya tiba saatnya bagi Israel untuk memasuki Tanah Yang Dijanjikan. Yosua mengirim dua pengintai ke kota orang Kanaan yang bernama Yerikho. Kota itu dilindungi oleh tembok yang kuat. Seorang pelacur bernama Rahab melindungi mata-mata itu dan membantu mereka melarikan diri karena dia percaya kepada Allah. Mereka berjanji untuk melindungi Rahab dan keluarganya ketika Yerikho dihancurkan.
1. At last it was time for the Israelites to enter Canaan, the Promised Land. Joshua sent two spies to the Canaanite city of Jericho that was protected by strong walls. In that city there lived a prostitute named Rahab who hid the spies and later helped them to escape. She did this because she believed God. They promised to protect Rahab and her family when the Israelites would destroy Jericho.
Pertanyaan 1: Ketika tiba waktunya untuk memasuki Tanah Perjanjian, apa yang pertama-tama dilakukan Yosua?
Pertanyaan 2: Apa yang dijanjikan kedua pengintai kepada Rahab perempuan sundal itu?
Jawaban 1: Dia mengutus dua orang pengintai ke Yerikho. [15-01]
Jawaban 2: Mereka berjanji untuk melindungi Rahab dan keluarganya ketika orang Israel menghancurkan kota itu. [15-01]
Question 1: When it was time to enter the Promised Land, what did Joshua do first
Question 2: What did the spies promise to do for Rahab the prostitute?
Answer 1: He sent two spies to Jericho. [15-01]
Answer 2: They promised to protect Rahab and her family when the Israelites destroyed the city. [15-01]
2. Untuk masuk ke Tanah Yang Dijanjikan, bangsa Israel harus menyeberangi Sungai Yordan. Allah memberitahu Yosua, "Suruhlah para imam pergi duluan." Ketika kaki para imam menyentuh sungai Yordan, air berhenti mengalir sehingga orang Israel bisa menyeberang di tanah yang kering.
2. The Israelites had to cross the Jordan River to enter into the Promised Land. God told Joshua, “Have the priests go first.” When the priests started to step into the Jordan River, the water upstream stopped flowing so the Israelites could cross over to the other side of the river on dry ground.
Pertanyaan 3: Bagaimana orang Israel bisa menyeberangi Sungai Yordan?
Jawaban 3: Ketika para imam mulai melangkahkan kaki mereka ke dalam Sungai Yordan, airnya berhenti mengalir. [15-02]
Question 3: How were the Israelites able to cross the Jordan River?
Answer 3: When the priests started to step into the Jordan River, the water stopped flowing. [15-02]
3. Setelah orang-orang menyeberangi sungai Yordan, Allah memberitahu Yosua bagaimana caranya untuk menyerang kota Yerikho yang kuat. Orang-orang menaati Allah. Para prajurit dan imam mengelilingi kota Yerikho sekali sehari selama enam hari.
3. After the people crossed the Jordan River, God told Joshua how to attack the powerful city of Jericho. The people obeyed God. Just as God told them to do, the soldiers and priests marched around the city of Jericho once a day for six days.
Pertanyaan 4: Bagaimana orang Israel menyerang Yerikho?
Jawaban 4: Mereka mengelilingi kota sekali sehari selama enam hari, kemudian pada hari ketujuh mereka mengelilingi kota tujuh kali. Ketika mereka mengelilingi kota untuk yang terakhir kalinya para tentara bersorak dan para imam meniup sangkakala. [15-03], [15-04]
Question 4: How did the Israelites attack Jericho?
Answer 4: They marched around the city once a day for six days, then on the seventh day they marched around the city seven more times. While they marched around the city for the last time, the soldiers shouted while the priests blew trumpets. [15-03], [15-04]
4. Pada hari ketujuh, mereka mengelilingi kota itu tujuh kali. Saat mereka selesai mengitari kota untuk terakhir kali, para prajurit berteriak sementara para imam meniup sangkakala mereka.
4. Then on the seventh day, the Israelites marched around the city seven more times. While they marched around the city for the last time, the soldiers shouted while the priests blew their trumpets.
Pertanyaan 4: Bagaimana orang Israel menyerang Yerikho?
Jawaban 4: Mereka mengelilingi kota sekali sehari selama enam hari, kemudian pada hari ketujuh mereka mengelilingi kota tujuh kali. Ketika mereka mengelilingi kota untuk yang terakhir kalinya para tentara bersorak dan para imam meniup sangkakala. [15-03], [15-04]
Question 4: How did the Israelites attack Jericho?
Answer 4: They marched around the city once a day for six days, then on the seventh day they marched around the city seven more times. While they marched around the city for the last time, the soldiers shouted while the priests blew trumpets. [15-03], [15-04]
5. Dan dinding di sekitar kota rubuh! Bangsa Israel menghancurkan segala sesuatu di kota itu seperti yang diperintahkan Allah. Hanya Rahab dan keluarganya yang diselamatkan. Mereka menjadi bagian dari bangsa Israel. Ketika orang-orang Kanaan yang lain mendengar tentang apa yang terjadi terhadap Yerikho mereka sangat ketakutan.
5. Then the walls around Jericho fell down! The Israelites destroyed everything in the city as God had commanded. They only spared Rahab and her family, who became part of the Israelites. When the other people living in Canaan heard that the Israelites had destroyed Jericho, they were terrified that the Israelites would attack them also.
Pertanyaan 5: Apa yang terjadi ketika para tentara bersorak dan para imam meniup sangkakala?
Pertanyaan 6: Apa yang terjadi pada Rahab dan keluarganya?
Jawaban 5: Tembok Yerikho runtuh sehingga orang Israel bisa menghancurkan semua yang ada di dalam kota. [15-05]
Jawaban 6: Mereka tidak dibunuh, dan menjadi bagian dari orang Israel. [15-05]
Question 5: What happened when the soldiers shouted and the priests blew trumpets?
Question 6: What happened to Rahab and her family?
Answer 5: The walls of Jericho fell down so the Israelites could destroy everything in the city. [15-05]
Answer 6: They were not killed, and became part of the Israelites. [15-05]
6. Orang Kanaan dari Gibeon berbohong kepada Yosua dan mengatakan mereka dari tempat yang jauh. Mereka meminta Yosua untuk berdamai dengan mereka. Allah telah memerintahkan orang Israel untuk tidak berdamai dengan orang Kanaan, tetapi Yosua dan bangsa Israel tidak bertanya kepada Allah dari mana Orang Gibeon itu berasal. Jadi Yosua berdamai dengan mereka.
6. God had commanded the Israelites not to make a peace treaty with any of the people groups in Canaan. But one of the Canaanite people groups, called the Gibeonites, lied to Joshua and said they were from a place far from Canaan. They asked Joshua to make a peace treaty with them. Joshua and the Israelites did not ask God where the Gibeonites were from. So Joshua made a peace treaty with them.
Pertanyaan 7: Bagaimana orang Gibeon memperdaya orang Israel untuk mengadakan perjanjian damai dengan mereka?
Pertanyaan 8: Mengapa Yosua dan orang Israel tidak tahu bahwa orang Gibeon berbohong?
Jawaban 7: Mereka berkata bahwa mereka berasal dari tempat yang jauh dari Kanaan. [15-06]
Jawaban 8: Mereka tidak bertanya kepada Allah. [15-06]
Question 7: How did the Gibeonites trick the Israelites into making a peace treaty with them?
Question 8: Why did Joshua and the Israelites not know the Gibeonites were lying?
Answer 7: They said they were from a place far from Canaan. [15-06]
Answer 8: They did not ask God. [15-06]
7. Ketika orang Kanaan lainnya mendengar bahwa Orang Gibeon telah membuat perdamaian dengan Israel, mereka bergabung dengan tentara mereka dan menyerang Gibeon. Orang Gibeon mengirim pesan kepada Joshua meminta bantuan.
7. The Israelites were angry when they found out that the Gibeonites had deceived them, but they kept the peace treaty they had made with them because it was a promise before God. Sometime later, the kings of another people group in Canaan, the Amorites, heard that the Gibeonites had made a peace treaty with the Israelites, so they combined their armies into one large army and attacked Gibeon. The Gibeonites sent a message to Joshua asking for help.
Pertanyaan 9: Mengapa orang Israel mengadakan perjanjian damai dan membela orang Gibeon?
Jawaban 9: Karena mereka telah berjanji di hadapan Allah. [15-07]
Question 9: Why did the Israelites keep the peace treaty and defend the Gibeonites?
Answer 9: Because they had made a promise before God. [15-07]
8. Joshua marah karena dia telah ditipu, tapi dia mengumpulkan tentara Israel, dan mereka berbaris sepanjang malam untuk mencapai Gibeon. Pada pagi hari mereka mengejutkan orang Kanaan musuh mereka dan menyerang mereka.
8. So Joshua gathered the Israelite army and they marched all night to reach the Gibeonites. In the early morning they surprised the Amorite armies and attacked them.
9. Allah membuat orang Kanaan menjadi kebingungan. Allah berperang bagi Israel hari itu dengan mengirimkan hujan batu-batu es besar yang menewaskan banyak orang Kanaan.
9. God fought for Israel that day. He caused the Amorites to be confused and he sent large hailstones that killed many of the Amorites.
Pertanyaan 10: Bagaimana Allah berperang dengan orang Amori untuk orang Israel?
Jawaban 10: Dia mengacaukan orang Amori, melempari mereka dengan batu-batu besar dari langit, dan menghentikan matahari di satu tempat sehingga orang Israel punya cukup waktu untuk menghabisi mereka semua. [15-09], [15-10]
Question 10: How did God fight for the Israelites against the Amorites?
Answer 10: He confused the Amorites, sent large hailstones on them, and caused the sun to stay in one place so the Israelites had enough time to completely defeat them. [15-09], [15-10]
10. Allah juga membuat matahari diam terus di langit sehingga Israel bisa menyelesaikan mengalahkan orang Kanaan. Allah memberikan kemenangan besar bagi Israel pada hari itu.
10. God also caused the sun to stay in one place in the sky so that Israel would have enough time to completely defeat the Amorites. On that day, God won a great victory for Israel.
Pertanyaan 10: Bagaimana Allah berperang dengan orang Amori untuk orang Israel?
Jawaban 10: Dia mengacaukan orang Amori, melempari mereka dengan batu-batu besar dari langit, dan menghentikan matahari di satu tempat sehingga orang Israel punya cukup waktu untuk menghabisi mereka semua. [15-09], [15-10]
Question 10: How did God fight for the Israelites against the Amorites?
Answer 10: He confused the Amorites, sent large hailstones on them, and caused the sun to stay in one place so the Israelites had enough time to completely defeat them. [15-09], [15-10]
11. Setelah kekalahan ini, sisa dari orang Kanaan yang masih hidup berkumpul bersama-sama untuk menyerang Israel. Yosua dan bangsa Israel menyerang dan menghancurkan mereka.
11. After God defeated those armies, many of the other Canaanite people groups gathered together to attack Israel. Joshua and the Israelites attacked and destroyed them.
Pertanyaan 11: Apa yang dilakukan Yosua dan orang Israel kepada kelompok orang Kanaan lain yang menyerang mereka?
Jawaban 11: Yosua dan orang Israel menghancurkan mereka. [15-11]
Question 11: What did Joshua and the Israelites do to the other Canaanite people groups who attacked them?
Answer 11: Joshua and the Israelites destroyed them. [15-11]
12. Setelah pertempuran ini, Allah memberikan masing-masing suku Israel bagian mereka sendiri dari Tanah Perjanjian. Kemudian Allah memberikan Israel perdamaian di sepanjang perbatasan.
12. After this battle, God gave each tribe of Israel its own section of the Promised Land. Then God gave Israel peace along all its borders.
Pertanyaan 12: Bagaimana Tanah Perjanjian dibagi?
Jawaban 12: Allah memberi masing-masing suku Israel bagiannya sendiri. [15-12]
Question 12: How was the Promised Land divided?
Answer 12: God gave each of the twelve tribes of Israel its own section. [15-12]
13. Saat Yosua sudah tua, ia memanggil semua orang Israel. Lalu Yosua memperbaharui perjanjian yang dibuat Allah dengan Israel di Sinai. Orang-orang berjanji untuk tetap setia kepada Allah dan mengikuti hukum-hukum-Nya.
13. When Joshua was an old man, he called all the people of Israel together. Then Joshua reminded the people of their obligation to obey the covenant that God had made with the Israelites at Sinai. The people promised to remain faithful to God and follow his laws.
Pertanyaan 13: Mengpa Yosua mengumpulkan orang Israel ketika dia sudah tua?
Pertanyaan 14: Bagaimana orang Israel menjawab Yosua?
Jawaban 13: Untuk mengingatkan mereka akan kewajiban mereka untuk menaati perjanjian yang Allah buat dengan mereka. [15-13]
Jawaban 14: Mereka berjanji untuk tetap setia pada Allah dan melakukan perintah-Nya. [15-13]
Question 13: Why did Joshua call the Israelites together when he was old?
Question 14: How did the Israelites answer Joshua?
Answer 13: To remind them of their obligation to obey the covenant that God had made with them. [15-13]
Answer 14: They promised to remain faithful to God and to follow his laws. [15-13]
Cerita Sebelumnya: 14. Mengembara di Padang Gurun
Cerita Selanjutnya: 16. Para Pembebas
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