1. Kemudian pada hari itu, dua pengikut Yesus pergi ke kota yang dekat dari kota. Saat mereka berjalan, mereka berbicara tentang kematian Yesus dan bagaimana para perempuan mengatakan Dia hidup kembali. Mereka bertanya-tanya dalam hati apakah Yesus benar-benar adalah Mesias.
1. On the day that Jesus was raised from the dead, two of his disciples were going to a nearby town. As they walked, they talked about what had happened to Jesus. They had hoped that he was the Messiah, but then he was killed. Now the women said he was alive again. They did not know what to believe.
Pertanyaan 1: Apa yang sedang dibicarakan dua murid ketika mereka berjalan di sepanjang jalan?
Jawaban 1: Mereka sedang membicarakan tentang apa yang terjadi pada Yesus. [42-01]
Question 1: What were the two disciples talking about as they walked along the road?
Answer 1: They were talking about what had happened to Jesus. [42-01]
2. Yesus datang dan mulai berjalan dengan mereka, tetapi mereka tidak mengenali-Nya. Dia bertanya apa yang mereka bicarakan, dan mereka mengatakan kepada-Nya tentang semua hal-hal buruk yang telah terjadi selama beberapa hari terakhir. Mereka pikir Dia adalah orang asing yang belum pernah mendengar tentang hal itu.
2. Jesus approached them and started walking with them, but they did not recognize him. He asked what they were talking about, and they told him about all the remarkable things that had happened concerning Jesus during the previous few days. They thought they were talking to a visitor who did not know what had happened in Jerusalem.
Pertanyaan 2: Dua murid mengira Yesus itu siapa ketika Dia mendekati mereka di jalan?
Jawaban 2: Mereka mengira Dia adalah pengunjung yang tidak tahu tentang apa yang telah terjadi di Yerusalem. [42-02]
Question 2: Who did the two disciples think Jesus was when he approached them on the road?
Answer 2: They thought he was a visitor who did not know what had happened in Jerusalem. [42-02]
3. Lalu Yesus menjelaskan kepada mereka apa yang dikatakan Firman Tuhan tentang Mesias. Dia mengingatkan mereka bahwa para nabi mengatakan Mesias akan menderita dan dibunuh, tetapi akan bangkit kembali pada hari ketiga. Ketika mereka tiba di kota yang dituju, hari sudah hampir malam.
3. Then Jesus explained to them what God’s word said about the Messiah. He reminded them that the prophets said the Messiah would suffer and be killed, but would rise again on the third day. When they arrived at the town where the two men planned to stay, it was almost evening.
Pertanyaan 3: Para nabi pernah mengatakan apa yang akan terjadi pada Mesias?
Jawaban 3: Mesias akan menderita dan dibunuh, tetapi akan bangkit lagi pada hari yang ketiga. [42-03]
Question 3: What had the prophets said would happen to the Messiah?
Answer 3: The Messiah would suffer and be killed, but would rise again on the third day. [42-03]
4. Kedua laki-laki itu mengundang Yesus untuk tinggal bersama mereka, jadi Dia Tinggal. Sebelum mereka makan, Yesus mengambil sepotong roti, berterima kasih kepada Tuhan untuk roti itu, kemudian memecahkannya. Tiba-tiba, mata mereka terbuka, dan mereka mengetahui bahwa Dia adalah Yesus. Pada saat itu, Dia menghilang.
4. The two men invited Jesus to stay with them, so he did. When they were ready to eat the evening meal, Jesus picked up a loaf of bread, thanked God for it, and then broke it. Suddenly, they recognized that he was Jesus. But at that moment, he disappeared from their sight.
Pertanyaan 4: Apa yang sedang dilakukan Yesus ketika dua murid itu mengenali-Nya?
Jawaban 4: Dia sedang memecahkan roti dan mengucap syukur kepada Allah. [42-04]
Question 4: What was Jesus doing when the two disciples recognized him?
Answer 4: He was breaking a loaf of bread and thanking God for it. [42-04]
5. Kedua laki-laki itu berkata satu sama lain, "Hati kita berkobar-kobar waktu Dia menjelaskan Firman Tuhan kepada kita!" Dengan segera, mereka kembali ke Yerusalem dan mengatakan kepada para murid, "Yesus hidup! Kami telah melihat Dia! "
5. The two men said to each other, “That was Jesus! That is why our hearts were burning when he explained God’s word to us!” Immediately, they went back to Jerusalem. When they arrived, they told the disciples, “Jesus is alive! We have seen him!”
Pertanyaan 5: Apa yang dilakukan dua murid itu setelah Yesus meninggalkan mereka?
Jawaban 5: Mereka kembali ke Yerusalem dan memberitahu murid-murid yang lain bahwa Yesus hidup dan mereka telah bertemu dengan-Nya. [42-05]
Question 5: What did the two disciples do after Jesus left them?
Answer 5: They returned to Jerusalem and told the other disciples that Jesus was alive and that they had seen him. [42-05]
6. Tiba-tiba, Yesus muncul! Para murid mengira bahwa Dia adalah hantu, tetapi Yesus berkata, "Damai sejahtera bagi kalian semua! Mengapa kamu takut dan ragu? Lihatlah tangan dan kakiKu. Hantu tidak memiliki tubuh seperti Aku. "Untuk membuktikan Dia bukan hantu, Dia meminta sepotong ikan yang dimasak dan memakannya.
6. As the disciples were talking, Jesus suddenly appeared in the room with them and said, “Peace to you!” The disciples thought he was a ghost, but Jesus said, “Why are you afraid and doubting? Look at my hands and feet. Ghosts do not have bodies like I do.” To prove that he was not a ghost, he asked for something to eat. They gave him a piece of cooked fish, and he ate it.
Pertanyaan 6: Bagaimana Yesus menunjukkan kepada para murid bahwa Dia bukan hantu?
Jawaban 6: Dia mengambil sepotong ikan dan memakannya. [42-06]
Question 6: How did Jesus prove to the disciples that he was not a ghost?
Answer 6: He took a piece of cooked fish and ate it. [42-06]
7. "Aku mengakatakan kepadamu bahwa semua yang tertulis tentang Aku dalam Firman Allah harus dipenuhi," kata Yesus. Lalu Dia membuka pikiran mereka, sehingga mereka mengerti Firman Allah. Dia berkata, "Ada tertulis dahulu bahwa Mesias akan menderita, mati, dan bangkit dari kematian pada hari ketiga."
7. Jesus said, “I told you that everything written about me in God’s word must be fulfilled.” Then he opened their minds so that they could understand God’s word. He said, “It was written long ago that the Messiah would suffer, die, and rise from the dead on the third day.”
Pertanyaan 7: Apa yang membuat para murid memahami firman Allah?
Jawaban 7: Yesus membukakan pikiran mereka. [42-07]
Question 7: What enabled the disciples to understand God’s word?
Answer 7: Jesus opened their minds. [42-07]
8. "Ada juga tertulis bahwa pertobatan dan pengampunan dosa harus disampaikan kepada semua suku bangsa, mulai dari Yerusalem. Kamu adalah saksi dari hal-hal ini. "
8. “It was also written in the scriptures that my disciples will proclaim that everyone should repent in order to receive forgiveness for their sins. They will do this starting in Jerusalem, and then go to all people groups everywhere. You are witnesses of these things.”
Pertanyaan 8: Pesan apa yang harus diberitakan oleh para murid Yesus?
Pertanyaan 9: Kemanakah para murid Yesus harus memberitakan pesan ini?
Jawaban 8: Mereka akan memberitakan bahwa semua orang harus bertobat supaya menerima pengampunan atas dosa-dosa mereka. [42-08]
Jawaban 9: Mereka akan memberitakannya pertama-tama di Yerusalem, kemudian pergi ke semua bangsa di mana-mana. [42-08]
Question 8: What was the message that Jesus’ disciples were to proclaim?
Question 9: Where were Jesus’ disciples to proclaim this message?
Answer 8: They would proclaim that everyone should repent in order to receive forgiveness for their sins. [42-08]
Answer 9: They would proclaim it first in Jerusalem, and then go to all people groups everywhere. [42-08]
9. Selama empat puluhhari berikutnya, Yesus menampakkan diri kepada murid-murid dan para pengikutnya berkali-kali. Suatu kali, Dia bahkan menampakkan diri kepada lebih dari 500 orang pada saat yang sama! Dia membuktikan kepada murid-murid-Nya dengan banyak cara bahwa Dia masih hidup, dan Dia mengajar mereka tentang Kerajaan Allah.
9. During the next forty days, Jesus appeared to his disciples many times. Once, he even appeared to more than 500 people at the same time! He proved to his disciples in many ways that he was alive, and he taught them about the kingdom of God.
Pertanyaan 10: Berapa lama Yesus terus menampakkan diri kepada para murid?
Pertanyaan 11: Berapa banyak kelompok murid terbesar yang melihat Yesus selama waktu itu?
Jawaban 10: Dia menampakkan diri kepada mereka selama 40 hari. [42-09]
Jawaban 11: Dia menampakkan diri kepada lebih dari 500 murid pada saat yang sama. [42-09]
Question 10: How long did Jesus continue to appear to the disciples?
Question 11: How big was the largest group of disciples that saw Jesus during this time?
Answer 10: He appeared to them for 40 days. [42-09]
Answer 11: He appeared to more than 500 disciples at the same time. [42-09]
10. Pada akhir empat puluh hari itu, Yesus berkata kepada murid-murid-Nya, "Segala kuasa di sorga dan di bumi telah dipercayakan kepadaKu. Jadi pergilah, jadikanlah murid dari semua suku dengan membaptis mereka dalam nama Bapa, Anak, dan Roh Kudus dan dengan mengajar mereka melakukan segala sesuatu yang telah Kuperintahkan kepadamu. "
10. Jesus said to his disciples, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. So go, make disciples of all people groups by baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and by teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. Remember, I will be with you always.”
Pertanyaan 12: Apa yang diperintahkan Yesus kepada para murid-Nya?
Jawaban 12: Dia berkata kepada mereka, “Jadikanlah semua bangsa murid-Ku dan baptislah mereka dalam nama Bapa dan Anak dan Roh Kudus, dan ajarlah mereka melakukan segala sesuatu yang telah Kuperintahkan kepadamu.” [42-10]
Question 12: What did Jesus command his disciples to go and do?
Answer 12: He said to them, “Make disciples of all people groups by baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and by teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” [42-10]
11. "Ingat, Aku akan menyertai kalian selalu. Tinggallah di Yerusalem sampai engkau menerima kuasa dari atas." Kemudian Yesus terangkat ke surga, dan awan menutup-Nya dari pandangan mereka. Yesus duduk di sebelah kanan Allah untuk memerintah atas segala sesuatu.
11. Forty days after Jesus rose from the dead, he told his disciples, “Stay in Jerusalem until my Father gives you power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.” Then Jesus went up to heaven, and a cloud hid him from their sight. Jesus sat down at the right hand of God to rule over all things.
Pertanyaan 13: Mengapa Yesus menyuruh murid-murid untuk menunggu di Yerusalem?
Pertanyaan 14: Kemana Yesus pergi setelah empat puluh hari kebangkitan-Nya?
Pertanyaan 15: Apa yang sedang dilakukan Yesus saat ini?
Jawaban 13: Mereka harus menunggu sampai Bapa memberi mereka kuasa ketika Roh Kudus turun atas mereka. [42-11]
Jawaban 14: Dia naik ke surga. [42-11]
Jawaban 15: Dia duduk di sebelah kanan Allah dan memerintah segala sesuatu. [42-11]
Question 13: Why did Jesus tell the disciples to wait in Jerusalem?
Question 14: Where did Jesus go forty days after his resurrection?
Question 15: What is Jesus doing right now?
Answer 13: They were to wait until the Father gave them power when the Holy Spirit came on them. [42-11]
Answer 14: He went up to heaven. [42-11]
Answer 15: He is seated at the right hand of God and ruling over all things. [42-11]