1. Kemudian Yesus menyuruh murid-murid untuk naik ke perahu dan berlayar ke seberang danau sementara Dia menyuruh pergi orang banyak itu. Setelah Yesus menyuruh orang banyak itu pergi, Dia naik ke atas gunung untuk berdoa. Yesus di sana sendirian, dan Dia berdoa lama sekali sampai malam.
1. Then Jesus told the disciples to get into the boat and sail to the other side of the lake while he dismissed the crowd. After Jesus had sent the crowd away, he went up on a mountainside to pray. Jesus was there all alone, and he prayed until late at night.
Pertanyaan 1: Apa yang diperintahkan Yesus kepada para murid sementara Dia menyuruh pulang orang banyak?
Pertanyaan 2: Apa yang dilakukan Yesus setelah Dia menyuruh para murid dengan perahu?
Jawaban 1: Dia menyuruh mereka masuk ke perahu dan berlayar ke seberang danau. [31-01]
Jawaban 2: Dia naik ke sisi gunung untuk berdoa. [31-01]
Question 1: What did Jesus tell the disciples to do while he dismissed the crowd?
Question 2: What did Jesus do after he sent the disciples away in their boat?
Answer 1: He told them to get into a boat and to sail to the other side of the lake. [31-01]
Answer 2: He went up on a mountainside to pray. [31-01]
2. Sementara itu, perahu para murid sudah jauh dari daratan. Mereka berada dalam bahaya, karena badai telah menerpa dan perahu mereka sedang diombang-ambingkan oleh angin dan gelombang.
2. Meanwhile, the disciples were rowing their boat, but by late in the night they had only reached the middle of the lake. They were rowing with great difficulty because the wind was blowing hard against them.
Pertanyaan 3: Masalah apa yang dihadapi para murid pada malam harinya?
Jawaban 3: Angin melawan gerak mereka, sehingga mereka hanya bisa menyeberangi danau setengah jalan. [31-02]
Question 3: What problem did the disciples have during the night?
Answer 3: The wind was against them, so they were only able to travel halfway across the lake. [31-02]
4. Para murid sangat ketakutan ketika mereka melihat Yesus, karena mereka pikir mereka melihat hantu. Yesus tahu bahwa mereka ketakutan, jadi Dia berkata, "Jangan takut. Ini Aku!"
4. The disciples were very afraid when they saw Jesus, because they thought they were seeing a ghost. Jesus knew that they were afraid, so he called out to them and said, “Do not be afraid. It is I!”
Pertanyaan 5: Bagaimana reaksi para murid ketika pertama melihat Yesus?
Pertanyaan 6: Apa yang dikatakan Yesus kepada mereka untuk meredakan ketakutan mereka?
Jawaban 5: Mereka takut karena mengira Dia adalah hantu. [31-04]
Jawaban 6: "Aku ini, jangan takut!" [31-04]
Question 5: How did the disciples react when they first saw Jesus?
Question 6: What did Jesus say to them to calm their fear?
Answer 5: They were very afraid because they thought he was a ghost. [31-04]
Answer 6: "Do not be afraid. It is I." [31-04]
5. Lalu Petrus berkata kepada Yesus, "Tuhan, kalau itu Engkau, suruhlah aku berjalan di atas air menuju engkau!" Lalu Yesus menyuruh Petrus, "Datanglah kemari."
5. Then Peter said to Jesus, “Master, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” Jesus told Peter, “Come!”
Pertanyaan 7: Mengapa Yesus menyuruh Petrus datang kepada-Nya di atas air?
Jawaban 7: Karena Petrus memintanya kepada Dia. [31-05]
Question 7: Why did Jesus tell Peter to come to him on the water?
Answer 7: Because Peter asked him to do that. [31-05]
6. Maka Petrus turun dari perahu dan mulai berjalan di permukaan air ke arah Yesus. Tetapi belum terlalu jauh dia berjalan, dia mengalihkan pandangan matanya dari Yesus dan mulai melihat angin kencang dan gelombang.
6. So, Peter got out of the boat and started walking to Jesus on the surface of the water. But after walking a short distance, he turned his eyes away from Jesus and began to look at the waves and to feel the strong wind.
Pertanyaan 8: Apa yang mulai disadari Petrus ketika dia mengalihkan matanya dari Yesus?
Jawaban 8: Dia mulai melihat ke gelombang dan merasakan angin yang kencang. [31-06]
Question 8: What did Peter begin to notice when he turned his eyes away from Jesus?
Answer 8: He began to look at the waves and to feel the strong wind. [31-06]
7. Lalu Petrus merasa takut dan mulai tenggelam. Dia berseru, "Tuhan, selamatkan aku!" Yesus mengulurkan tangan-Nya dan memegang tangan Petrus. Lalu Dia berkata kepada Petrus, "Hai kau yang kurang percaya, mengapa engkau ragu?"
7. Then Peter became afraid and began to sink in the water. He cried out, “Master, save me!” Jesus reached out right away and grabbed him. Then he said to Peter, “You man of little faith, why did you doubt?”
Pertanyaan 9: Apa yang terjadi pada Petrus ketika dia menjadi takut kepada angin dan gelombang?
Pertanyaan 10: Apa yang dilakukan Yesus ketika Petrus berseru meminta tolong?
Pertanyaan 11: Apa yang dikatakan Yesus sebagai teguran kepada Petrus?
Jawaban 9: Dia mulai tenggelam. [31-07]
Jawaban 10: Yesus mengulurkan tangan dan memegang Petrus. [31-07]
Jawaban 11: "Hai orang yang kurang percaya, mengapa engkau bimbang?" [31-07]
Question 9: What happened to Peter when he became afraid of the wind and the waves?
Question 10: What did Jesus do when Peter called out for help?
Question 11: What did Jesus say as a rebuke to Peter?
Answer 9: He began to sink into the water. [31-07]
Answer 10: Jesus reached out and grabbed Peter. [31-07]
Answer 11: "You man of little faith, why did you doubt?" [31-07]
8. Ketika Petrus dan Yesus naik ke perahu, angin segera berhenti. Para murid sangat takjub. Mereka menyembah Yesus dan berkata kepadanya, "Sungguh, Engkau Anak Allah."
8. When Peter and Jesus got into the boat, the wind immediately stopped blowing and the water became calm. The disciples were amazed. They worshiped Jesus, saying to him, “Truly, you are the Son of God.”
Pertanyaan 12: Apa yang terjadi setelah Yesus masul ke perahu?
Pertanyaan 13: Bagaimana tanggapan para murid terhadap mukjizat ini?
Jawaban 12: Angin mendadak reda dan air menjadi tenang. [31-08]
Jawaban 13: Mereka menyembah Yesus dan berkata, “Sesungguhnya, Engkau adalah Anak Allah.” [31-08]
Question 12: What happened after Jesus got into the boat?
Question 13: How did the disciples respond to this miracle?
Answer 12: The wind immediately stopped blowing and the water became calm. [31-08]
Answer 13: They worshiped Jesus and said, “Truly, you are the Son of God.” [31-08]