1. Setelah Yesus kembali ke surga, para murid tinggal di Yerusalem sebagaimana yang sudah diperintahkan Yesus. Para pengikut Yesus berkumpul dan berdoa terus-menerus.
1. After Jesus returned to heaven, the disciples stayed in Jerusalem as Jesus had commanded them to do. The believers there constantly gathered together to pray.
Pertanyaan 1: Apa yang dilakukan para murid sementara mereka menunggu di Yerusalem?
Jawaban 1: Mereka selalu berkumpul bersama untuk berdoa. [43-01]
Question 1: What were the disciples doing while they waited in Jerusalem?
Answer 1: They gathered together constantly to pray. [43-01]
2. Pada waktu itu hari raya orang Yahudi yang disebut Pentakosta sedang berlangsung. Pentakosta adalah perayaan syukur. Orang Yahudi dari seluruh dunia datang ke Yerusalem untuk merayakannya bersama-sama.
2. Every year, 50 days after the Passover, the Jews celebrated an important day called Pentecost. Pentecost was a time when the Jews celebrated the wheat harvest. Jews came from all over the world to Jerusalem to celebrate Pentecost together. This year, the time for Pentecost came about a week after Jesus had gone back to heaven.
Pertanyaan 2: Kapan orang Yahudi merayakan Pentakosta?
Pertanyaan 3: Apa yang terjadi pada orang percaya selama Pentakosta setelah Yesus bangkit?
Jawaban 2: Mereka merayakannya setiap tahun, 50 hari setelah Paskah. [43-02]
Jawaban 3: Ada suara seperti angin kencang, sesuatu seperti lidah api tampak di atas kepala mereka, dan mereka dipenuhi Roh Kudus dan mulai berkata-kata dalam bahasa yang lain. [43-02]
Question 2: When did the Jews celebrate Pentecost?
Question 3: What happened to the believers during the Pentecost after Jesus rose from the dead?
Answer 2: They celebrated every year, 50 days after the Passover. [43-02]
Answer 3: There was a sound like a strong wind, something like flames of fire appeared over their heads, and they were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages. [43-02]
4. Ketika orang-orang di Yerusalem mendengar tentang hal ini, orang banyak berkumpul, bertanya-tanya apa yang terjadi. Orang-orang itu heran ketika mereka mendengar orang-orang yang percaya itu berbicara dalam bahasa ibu mereka sendiri, menyatakan perbuatan-perbuatan besar Allah.
4. When the people in Jerusalem heard the noise, a crowd came to see what was happening. When the people heard the believers proclaiming the wonderful works of God, they were astonished that they were hearing these things in their own native languages.
Pertanyaan 4: Mengapa orang-orang menjadi heran?
Jawaban 4: Mereka mendengar para murid berkata-kata dalam bahasa asli mereka. [43-04]
Question 4: Why were the people in the crowd astonished?
Answer 4: They heard the disciples speaking in the native languages of the people in the crowd. [43-04]
5. Beberapa menuduh para murid itu mabuk, tetapi Petrus berdiri dan berkata, "Dengarkan aku! Orang-orang ini tidak mabuk! Kejadian ini menggenapi nubuatan yang disampaikan oleh Yoel yang mengatakan, 'Pada hari-hari terakhir, Aku akan mencurahkan Roh-Ku.' "
5. Some of the people accused the disciples of being drunk. But Peter stood up and said to them, “Listen to me! These people are not drunk! This fulfills the prophecy made by the prophet Joel in which God said, ‘In the last days, I will pour out my Spirit.’”
Pertanyaan 5: Beberapa orang mengira apa yang menyebabkan para murid berkata-kata seperti ini?
Pertanyaan 6: Menurut Petrus apa yang menyebabkan mereka memperkatakan bahasa-bahasa ini?
Jawaban 5: Mereka menuduh para murid sedang mabuk. [43-05]
Jawaban 6: Petrus berkata Allah sedang mencurahkan Roh-Nya. [43-05]
Question 5: What did some of the people think was the reason the disciples were talking this way?
Question 6: What did Peter say was causing them to speak these languages?
Answer 5: They accused the disciples of being drunk. [43-05]
Answer 6: Peter said God was pouring out his Spirit. [43-05]
6. "Hai orang Israel, Yesus adalah orang yang mengadakan banyak tanda yang dahsyat dan ajaib dengan kuasa Allah, seperti yang kamu lihat dan sudah tahu. Tetapi kamu menyalibkan Dia!
6. “Men of Israel, Jesus was a man who did many mighty signs and wonders by the power of God, as you have seen and already know. But you crucified him!”
Pertanyaan 7: Menurut Petrus siapa yang bertanggung jawab atas penyaliban Yesus?
Jawaban 7: Orang banyak. [43-06], [43-09]
Question 7: Who did Peter say was responsible for crucifying Jesus?
Answer 7: The people in the crowd. [43-06], [43-09]
7. "Tetapi Allah membangkitkan Dia untuk hidup lagi untuk memenuhi nubuatan yang mengatakan, 'Engkau tidak akan membiarkan Orang KudusMu membusuk di dalam kubur.' Allah membangkitkan Yesus dari antara orang mati. Kamilah saksi-saksinya. "
7. “Although Jesus died, God raised him from the dead. This fulfills the prophecy which says, ‘You will not let your Holy One rot in the grave.’ We are witnesses to the fact that God raised Jesus to life again.”
Pertanyaan 8: Menurut Petrus bagaimana Yesus bisa hidup lagi?
Jawaban 8: Allah membangkitkan Dia dari antara orang mati. [43-07]
Question 8: How did Peter say Jesus became alive again?
Answer 8: God raised him from the dead. [43-07]
9. "Ketahuilah dengan pasti bahwa Allah telah membuat Yesus, yang kamu salibkan itu, menjadi Tuhan dan Mesias!"
9. “You crucified this man, Jesus. But know for certain that God has caused Jesus to become both Lord and Messiah!”
Pertanyaan 7: Menurut Petrus siapa yang bertanggung jawab atas penyaliban Yesus?
Pertanyaan 10: Menurut Petrus dua hal apa yang dijadikan Allah atas Yesus?
Jawaban 7: Orang banyak. [43-06], [43-09]
Jawaban 10: Tuhan dan Mesias. [43-09]
Question 7: Who did Peter say was responsible for crucifying Jesus?
Question 10: What were the two things that Peter said God caused Jesus to become?
Answer 7: The people in the crowd. [43-06], [43-09]
Answer 10: Lord and Messiah. [43-09]
10. Orang-orang yang mendengarkan Petrus sangat tersentuh dan bertanya, "Saudara-saudara, apa yang harus kami lakukan?"
10. The people listening to Peter were deeply moved by the things that he said. So they asked Peter and the disciples, “Brothers, what should we do?”
Pertanyaan 11: Bagaimana orang-orang menanggapi khotbah Petrus?
Jawaban 11: Mereka sangat terharu dan bertanya, “Saudara-saudara, apa yang harus kita lakukan?” [43-10]
Question 11: How did the people respond to Peter's message?
Answer 11: They were deeply moved and asked, “Brothers, what should we do?” [43-10]
11. Petrus berkata, "Bertobatlah dan berilah dirimu dibaptis, kamu semua, dalam nama Yesus Kristus supaya dosamu diampuni, maka kamu akan menerima karunia Roh Kudus."
11. Peter answered them, “Every one of you should repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ so that God will forgive your sins. Then he will also give you the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
Pertanyaan 12: Apa yang diperintahkan Petrus kepada orang-orang?
Jawaban 12: Dia menyuruh mereka untuk bertobat dan dibaptis dalam nama Yesus Kristus sehingga Allah akan mengampuni dosa mereka. [43-11]
Question 12: What did Peter tell the people to do?
Answer 12: He told them to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ so that God will forgive their sins. [43-11]
13. Orang-orang yang percaya itu bertekun mendengarkan ajaran para murid, bersekutu, makan bersama, dan berdoa. Mereka semua berkumpul dan berbagi semua yang mereka miliki. Mereka memuji Allah dan diterima dengan baik oleh mereka yang bukan orang Kristen.
13. The disciples continually listened to the teaching of the apostles, spent time together, ate together, and prayed with each other. They enjoyed praising God together and they shared everything they had with each other. Everyone thought well of them. Every day, more people became believers.
Pertanyaan 14: Apa yang dilakukan para murid?
Jawaban 14: Mendengar khotbah para rasul, berkumpul bersama, makan bersama, saling mendoakan, memuji Allah bersama, dan membagi segala sesuatu. [43-13]
Question 14: What did the disciples spend their time doing?
Answer 14: Listening to the teaching of the apostles, spending time together, eating together, praying with each other, praising God together, and sharing everything. [43-13]