1. Suatu hari, Yesus membawa tiga orang murid-Nya, Petrus, Yakobus, dan Yohanes bersama Dia. (Yohanes yang ini bukanlah orang yang sama yang membaptis Yesus.) Mereka naik ke atas sebuah gunung yang tinggi.
1. One day, Jesus took three of his disciples, Peter, James, and John, with him. (The disciple named John was not the same person who baptized Jesus.) They went up on a high mountain by themselves to pray.
Pertanyaan 1: Siapa yang diajak Yesus bersama-Nya ke gunung?
Jawaban 1: Tiga murid-Nya, Petrus, Yakobus, dan Yohanes. [36-01]
Question 1: Who did Jesus take with him to the mountain?
Answer 1: Three of his disciples, Peter, James, and John. [36-01]
2. Tiba-tiba seluruh wajah Yesus berubah menjadi terang seperti matahari dan pakaian-Nya menjadi putih seperti cahaya, lebih putih daripada yang dapat dibuat oleh orang di bumi.
2. As Jesus was praying, his face became as bright as the sun and his clothes became as white as light, whiter than anyone on earth could make them.
Pertanyaan 2: Perubahan apa yang terjadi ketika Yesus sedang berdoa?
Jawaban 2: Wajah-Nya bercahaya seperti matahari dan pakaian-Nya menjadi putih seperti terang. [36-02]
Question 2: What change happened to Jesus as he was praying?
Answer 2: His face became as bright as the sun and his clothes became as white as light. [36-02]
3. Kemudian Musa dan Elia, yang keduanya hidup ratusan tahun yang lalu, muncul. Mereka berbicara kepada Yesus tentang kematiannya yang akan segera terjadi di Yerusalem.
3. Then Moses and the prophet Elijah appeared. These men had lived on the earth hundreds of years before this. They talked with Jesus about his death, which would soon happen in Jerusalem.
Pertanyaan 3: Siapa kedua orang yang terlihat bersama Yesus?
Pertanyaan 4: Mengapa adalah sebuah mukjizat bahwa Musa dan Elia terlihat bersama Yesus?
Pertanyaan 5: Apa yang dibicarakan Yesus dengan Musa dan Elia?
Pertanyaan 6: Di mana Yesus akan mati?
Jawaban 3: Musa dan nabi Elia. [36-03]
Jawaban 4: Mereka berdua hidup ratusan tahun sebelumnya. [36-03]
Jawaban 5: Mereka berbicara tentang kematian Yesus. [36-03]
Jawaban 6: Yerusalem [36-03]
Question 3: Who were the two men who appeared with Jesus?
Question 4: Why was it miraculous that Moses and Elijah appeared with Jesus?
Question 5: What were Moses and Elijah discussing with Jesus?
Question 6: Where was Jesus going to die?
Answer 3: Moses and the prophet Elijah. [36-03]
Answer 4: They both lived hundreds of years before this. [36-03]
Answer 5: They talked about Jesus’ death. [36-03]
Answer 6: Jerusalem. [36-03]
4. Saat Musa dan Elia sedang berbicara dengan Yesus, Petrus berkata, "Yesus, baik sekali kita berada di sini. Baiklah kami mendirikan tiga kemah, satu untuk Engkau, satu untuk Musa dan satu untuk Elia. "Petrus tidak tahu apa yang dikatakannya.
4. As Moses and Elijah were talking with Jesus, Peter said to Jesus, “It is good for us to be here. Let us make three shelters, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” Peter did not know what he was saying.
Pertanyaan 7: Apa yang diusulkan Petrus untuk diperbuat bagi Yesus, Musa, dan Elia?
Jawaban 7: Dia hendak mendirikan tiga kemah, satu untuk Yesus, satu untuk Musa, dan satu untuk Elia. [36-04]
Question 7: What did Peter suggest that they do for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah?
Answer 7: He wanted to make three shelters, one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah. [36-04]
5. Saat Petrus sedang berbicara, awan yang sangat terang turun dari atas mereka dan suara dari awan itu berkata, "Inilah Anak-Ku yang Kukasihi. Aku senang dengan dia. Dengarkan dia." Tiga murid itu terkejut dan jatuh ke tanah.
5. As Peter was talking, a bright cloud came down and surrounded them and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son whom I love. I am pleased with him. Listen to him.” The three disciples were terrified and fell on the ground.
Pertanyaan 8: Apa yang dikatakan suara dari awan terang kepada para murid?
Jawaban 8: "Inilah Anak yang Kukasihi, kepada-Nyalah Aku berkenan, dengarkanlah Dia." [36-05]
Question 8: What did the voice from the bright cloud say to the disciples?
Answer 8: “This is my Son whom I love. I am pleased with him. Listen to him.” [36-05]
7. Saat mereka kembali turun dari gunung, Yesus berkata, "Jangan bilang siapa-siapa tentang apa yang terjadi disini sampai Aku telah dibangkitkan dari antara orang mati."
7. Jesus and the three disciples went back down the mountain. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not tell anyone yet about what happened here. I will soon die and then come back to life. After that, you may tell people.”
Pertanyaan 9: Apa yang diperintahkan Yesus kepada para murid tentang apa yang mereka lihat?
Jawaban 9: Dia melarang mereka memberitahu siapa pun tentang apa yang terjadi di gunung sampai Dia mati dan bangkit. [36-07]
Question 9: What did Jesus tell the disciples to do about what they had seen?
Answer 9: He told them not tell anyone about what happened on the mountain until after he died and came back to life. [36-07]