1. Yesus menyuruh murid-murid-Nya untuk berkhotbah dan mengajar orang-orang. Ketika mereka kembali, mereka menceritakan kepada Yesus apa yang telah mereka ajarkan dan lakukan. Kemudian Yesus mengajak mereka pergi bersamanya ke tempat yang tenang untuk beristirahat sebentar. Jadi, mereka naik ke perahu dan pergi.
1. Jesus sent his apostles to preach and to teach people in many different villages. When they returned to where Jesus was, they told him what they had done. Then Jesus invited them to go with him to a quiet place across the lake to rest for a while. So, they got into a boat and went to the other side of the lake.
Pertanyaan 1: Yesus mengutus murid-murid-Nya ke desa-desa untuk melakukan apa?
Pertanyaan 2: Mengapa Yesus menyuruh para murid-Nya untuk pergi ke seberang danau?
Jawaban 1: Dia mengutus mereka untuk berkhotbah dan mengajar. [30-01]
Jawaban 2: Dia mengajak mereka ke tempat yang tenang untuk beristirahat sejenak. [30-01]
Question 1: What did Jesus send his apostles to do in the villages?
Question 2: Why did Jesus take his apostles to the other side of the lake?
Answer 1: He sent them to preach and teach. [30-01]
Answer 2: He invited them to a quiet place to rest for a while. [30-01]
2. Tapi banyak orang yang melihat Yesus dan murid-murid itu pergi. Orang-orang itu berlari sepanjang pesisir danau untuk sampai ke seberang mendahului mereka. Ketika Yesus dan murid-murid-Nya tiba, mereka disambut oleh kerumunan orang banyak.
2. But there were many people who saw Jesus and the disciples leave in the boat. These people ran along the shore of the lake to get to the other side ahead of them. So when Jesus and the disciples arrived, a large group of people was already there, waiting for them.
Pertanyaan 3: Apa Yesus dan para murid-Nya bisa sendirian dan beristirahat?
Jawaban 3: Tidak. Banyak orang pergi ke seberang danau mendahului mereka. [30-02]
Question 3: Were Jesus and his apostles able to be alone and rest?
Answer 3: No. Many people ran to the other side ahead of them. [30-02]
3. Ada lebih dari 5.000 orang dalam kerumunan itu, belum termasuk perempuan dan anak-anak. Yesus merasa sangat sayang kepada orang- orang itu. Bagi Yesus, orang-orang ini seperti domba tanpa gembala. Jadi dia mengajar mereka dan menyembuhkan mereka yang sakit.
3. The crowd had over 5,000 men in it, not counting the women and children. Jesus felt great compassion towards the people. To Jesus, these people were like sheep without a shepherd. So he taught them and healed the people among them who were sick.
Pertanyaan 4: Apa sikap Yesus terhadap orang banyak yang sedang menunggu mereka?
Pertanyaan 5: Bagaimana Yesus menunjukkan kasih sayang-Nya kepada orang-orang?
Pertanyaan 9: Berapa banyak orang yang makan dan kenyang dengan makanan itu?
Jawaban 4: Dia berbelaskasihan kepada mereka. [30-03]
Jawaban 5: Dia mengajar mereka dan menyembuhkan yang sakit. [30-03]
Jawaban 9: Lima ribu orang laki-laki, tidak termasuk wanita dan anak-anak. [30-03]
Question 4: What was Jesus attitude toward the crowd that was waiting for them?
Question 5: How did Jesus demonstrate his compassion for the people?
Question 9: How many people ate and were satisfied from the food?
Answer 4: He had compassion towards them. [30-03]
Answer 5: He taught them and healed the sick. [30-03]
Answer 9: Five thousand men, not counting the women and children. [30-03]
4. Ketika hari bertambah malam, para murid berkata kepada Yesus, "Hari sudah malam dan tidak ada kota di dekat sini. Suruhlah orang-orang itu pergi supaya mereka bisa pergi mencari makanan."
4. Late in the day, the disciples told Jesus, “It is late and there are no towns nearby. Send the people away so they can go get something to eat.”
Pertanyaan 6: Mengapa para murid hendak mengusir mereka?
Jawaban 6: Hari sudah hampir malam dan mereka perlu makan. [30-04]
Question 6: Why did the disciples want to send the people away?
Answer 6: It was late in the day and they needed to get something to eat. [30-04]
5. Tetapi Yesus berkata kepada mereka, "Kamu harus memberi mereka makan!" Para murid menjawab, "Bagaimana kami bisa melakukan itu? Kami hanya memiliki lima roti dan dua ikan. "
5. But Jesus said to the disciples, “You give them something to eat!” They responded, “How can we do that? We only have five loaves of bread and two small fish.”
Pertanyaan 7: mengapa para murid tidak bisa memberi makan semua orang?
Jawaban 7: Mereka hanya memiliki lima roti dan dua ikan kecil. [30-05]
Question 7: Why were the disciples unable to feed all the people?
Answer 7: They only had five loaves of bread and two small fish. [30-05]
7. Lalu Dia mengambil lima roti dan dua ikan itu, memandang ke langit, dan memberkati makanan itu.
7. Then Jesus took the five loaves of bread and the two fish, looked up to heaven, and thanked God for the food.
Pertanyaan 8: Apa yang dilakukan Yesus dengan lima roti dan dua ikan itu?
Jawaban 8: Dia mengucap syukur kepada Allah atas makanan itu dan memecahkannya agar para murid-Nya memberikannya kepada orang-orang. [30-07], [30-08]
Question 8: What did Jesus do with the five loaves of bread and the two fish?
Answer 8: He thanked God for the food and broke it into pieces for his disciples to give to the people. [30-07], [30-08]
8. Kemudian Yesus mulai membelah-belah roti dan ikan itu. Dia memberikan potongan-potongan itu kepada murid-murid-Nya untuk diberikan kepada orang-orang itu. Para murid terus membagikan makanan itu, dan tidak pernah kehabisan! Semua orang makan sampai kenyang.
8. Then Jesus broke the bread and the fish into pieces. He gave the pieces to his disciples to give to the people. The disciples kept passing out the food, and it never ran out! All the people ate and were satisfied.
Pertanyaan 8: Apa yang dilakukan Yesus dengan lima roti dan dua ikan itu?
Jawaban 8: Dia mengucap syukur kepada Allah atas makanan itu dan memecahkannya agar para murid-Nya memberikannya kepada orang-orang. [30-07], [30-08]
Question 8: What did Jesus do with the five loaves of bread and the two fish?
Answer 8: He thanked God for the food and broke it into pieces for his disciples to give to the people. [30-07], [30-08]