2. Petrus menatapnya dan berkata, "Aku tidak punya uang untuk diberikan kepadamu. Tapi apa yang Ku punya akan kuberikan kepadamu. Dalam nama Yesus, bangkit dan berjalanlah! "
2. Peter looked at the lame man and said, “I do not have any money to give you. But I will give you what I do have. In the name of Jesus, get up and walk!”
Pertanyaan 2: Apa yang diberikan Petrus kepada orang lumpuh itu sebagai gantinya?
Jawaban 2: Petrus menyembuhkan dia dalam nama Yesus. [44-02]
Question 2: What did Peter give to the crippled man instead?
Answer 2: Peter healed him in the name of Jesus. [44-02]
4. Segerombolan orang dengan cepat berkerumun. Petrus berkata kepada mereka, "Mengapa kamu kagum bahwa orang ini sembuh? Itu bukan melalui kekuatan kita sendiri atau kebaikan bahwa dia telah sembuh, tetapi dengan iman dalam nama Yesus. "
4. A crowd of people quickly came to see the man who was healed. Peter said to them, “Why are you amazed that this man is healed? We did not heal him through our own power or goodness. Rather, it is the power of Jesus and the faith that Jesus gives that healed this man.”
Pertanyaan 3: Menurut Petrus apa yang membuat orang lumpuh itu sembuh?
Jawaban 3: Kuasa Yesus dan iman yang Yesus berikan. [44-04]
Question 3: What did Peter say caused the crippled man to be healed?
Answer 3: The power of Jesus and the faith that Jesus gives. [44-04]
5. "Kamu meminta agar Yesus dibunuh. Kamu membunuh pencipta kehidupan, tetapi Allah telah membangkitkan Dia dari antara orang mati. Demikianlah Allah memenuhi nubuatan bahwa Mesias akan menderita dan mati. Tapi sekarang, bertobatlah dan berbaliklah kepada Allah agar dosa-dosamu dihapuskan. "
5. “You are the ones who told the Roman governor to kill Jesus. You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead. Although you did not understand what you were doing, God used your actions to fulfill the prophecies that the Messiah would suffer and die. So now, repent and turn to God so that your sins will be washed away.”
Pertanyaan 4: Menurut Petrus siapa yang telah membunuh Yesus?
Pertanyaan 5: Nubuat apa yang digenapi ketika mereka membunuh Yesus?
Pertanyaan 6: Apa yang diperintahkan Petrus kepada orang-orang itu?
Jawaban 4: Dia berkata orang banyak yang meminta gubernur Romawi untuk membunuh Yesus. [44-05]
Jawaban 5: Nubuat bahwa Mesias akan menderita dan mati. [44-05]
Jawaban 6: Mereka harus bertobat dan kembali kepada Allah, supaya dosa mereka dihapuskan. [44-05]
Question 4: Who did Peter say killed Jesus?
Question 5: What prophecies did the people fulfill when they killed Jesus?
Question 6: What did Peter tell the people that they should do?
Answer 4: He said the people in the crowd asked the Roman governor to kill Jesus. [44-05]
Answer 5: The prophecies that the Messiah would suffer and die. [44-05]
Answer 6: They should repent and turn to God, so that their sins would be washed away. [44-05]
6. Para pemimpin Bait Allah itu sangat kesal pada apa yang dikatakan Petrus dan Yohanes. Jadi mereka menangkap mereka dan memasukkan mereka ke penjara. Tapi banyak orang percaya apa yang telah mereka lihat dan dengar dan Jemaat itu bertambah menjadi 5.000 orang, ditambah wanita dan anak-anak.
6. The leaders of the Temple were very upset by what Peter and John were saying. So they arrested them and put them into prison. But many of the people believed Peter’s message, and the number of men who believed in Jesus grew to about 5,000.
Pertanyaan 7: Berapa banyak orang yang percaya kepada Yesus karena khotbah Petrus?
Jawaban 7: Sekitar 5.000. [44-06]
Question 7: How many men believed in Jesus as a result of Peters message?
Answer 7: About 5000. [44-06]
8. Petrus menjawab, "Dengan nama Yesus Sang Mesias.Kamu menyalibkan Yesus, tetapi Allah telah membangkitkan Dia hidup kembali! Kamu sudah menolaknya, tetapi tidak ada cara lain untuk diselamatkan kecuali melalui nama Yesus! "
8. Peter answered them, “This man stands before you healed by the power of Jesus the Messiah. You crucified Jesus, but God raised him to life again! You rejected him, but there is no other way to be saved except through the power of Jesus!”
Pertanyaan 8: Apa satu-satunya cara agar bisa diselamatkan?
Jawaban 8: Satu-satunya cara agar bisa diselamatkan adalah melalui kuasa Yesus. [44-08]
Question 8: What is the only way to be saved?
Answer 8: The only way to be saved is through the power of Jesus. [44-08]
9. Para pemimpin terkejut, sebab mereka melihat bahwa orang-orang ini adalah orang-orang biasa yang tidak berpendidikan tinggi. Mereka juga menyadari bahwa orang-orang ini telah bersama dengan Yesus. Setelah mereka telah mengancam Petrus dan Yohanes, mereka membiarkan mereka pergi.
9. The leaders were shocked that Peter and John spoke so boldly because they could see that these men were ordinary men who were uneducated. But then they remembered that these men had been with Jesus. After they threatened Peter and John, they let them go.
Pertanyaan 9: Mengapa para pemimpin Yahudi terkejut dengan khotbah Petrus dan Yohanes?
Pertanyaan 10: Apa yang akhirnya hendak dilakukan para pemimpin Yahudi terhadap Petrus dan Yohanes?
Jawaban 9: Petrus dan Yohanes adalah orang biasa yang tidak berpendidikan. [44-09]
Jawaban 10: Mereka mengancam mereka dan membiarkan mereka pergi. [44-09]
Question 9: Why were the Jewish leaders surprised at the preaching of Peter and John?
Question 10: What did the Jewish leaders finally decide to do with Peter and John?
Answer 9: Peter and John were ordinary, uneducated men. [44-09]
Answer 10: They threatened them and let them go. [44-09]